Vue Storefront is now Alokai - What’s new?

Vue Storefront is now Alokai - What’s new?

Built on the foundation of Vue Storefront with added support for the React framework, Alokai combines proven functionality with new innovations to enhance the eCommerce experience.

Vuestorefront - Setting up your development environment

Vuestorefront - Setting up your development environment

Learn how to setup your development environment for Vuestorefront/Nuxt.js and Odoo development

Advantages of using Odoo Headless eCommerce system vs other synced eCommerce platform

Advantages of using Odoo Headless eCommerce system vs other synced eCommerce platform

Why is it better to use Odoo+VueStorefront vs using a connector synchronizing other eCommerce Platform like Magento or Woocommerce

Advantages of using a Headless eCommerce system

Advantages of using a Headless eCommerce system

Headless eCommerce means faster webshops and websites and also flexibility to change your shop.

Load Testing Odoo With Vue StorefrontX

Load Testing Odoo With Vue StorefrontX

Allow your business to transition from the monolith to the Headless paradigm in a seamless way.

Vuestorefront Customer Case Gevenhout

Vuestorefront Customer Case Gevenhout

GevenHout supplies wood for outdoor applications in the Netherlands and Belgium. The brand is the partner for the professionals.

Vuestorefront - Odoo Connector live demo

Vuestorefront - Odoo Connector live demo

If you are doing serious eCommerce then Vue Storefront and Odoo makes lot's of sense. Take the best Headless system on the open source scene, using the most friendly and powerful technology.

Vuestorefront 2 integration with Odoo backend was released

Vuestorefront 2 integration with Odoo backend was released

It's not another connector synchronization module, all the data sits in Odoo you just get a decoupled storefront.

About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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