ERPGAP Blog / Odoo React.js/Next.js and Vue.js/Nuxt.js development
Odoo React.js/Next.js and Vue.js/Nuxt.js development

Odoo React.js/Next.js and Vue.js/Nuxt.js development

Using Odoo as a framework/middleware for your application

So, you have a business idea but you need a platform for implementing the backend and feed data to your mobile applications and also your website.

Time to market is very important to outrun your competitors and you need it all as soon as possible using a minimum budget. But you also need a stable technology stack with a large number of developers on the market. And most important, you need a scalable stack.

Odoo is the best option for your startup and business idea!

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Using Odoo as a Framework

Using Odoo as middleware for your new application or software project has several advantages that make it a wise investment in the future of your product.

All the knowledge of thousands of functional analysts, clients and developers accumulated in an open source platform. Should this be what you’re using?

Headless eCommerce with Vue Storefront - Odoo connector

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Odoo - Odoo 1

Strong Open Foundations

Odoo is built on top of proven open source technologies by very smart developers that have an extensive experience with functional business implementations across the globe.

Using PostgreSQL as it's database, you can take existing methodologies for scaling using clustering, caching and load balancing. As a Python server implemented on top of the most stable and selected libraries in the community, you will be way ahead of the competition because you will save money and will unleash the accumulated knowledge of the top python experts in the world.

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Odoo - Pip Postgresql

Modern Javascript Frameworks

Using Odoo as the backend, you will be able to deploy and grow your server infrastructure with a minimum start cost.

We have experience with React JS, Vue JS and Quasar Framework and we can help you kickstart your project with this effective technology stack. Build PWA (Progressive Web applications), SPA (Single Page Application) or SSR (Server Side Rendered) or even Electron Apps using Odoo as a framework

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Odoo - Phone


Odoo localization modules allow you to take advantage of all the main localization features that Odoo has for the main languages and countries. It can even assist with currency, taxes, language and small details like the thousands and decimal separators that are used in each language.

Your streamlined experience will be thanks to all the accumulated knowledge from 4,2 million users worldwide and a community of thousands of developers.

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Odoo - Internationalization

Choose Your API REST/GraphQL

Odoo already has community modules that implement the base RESTfull API or GraphQL. This allows your front end development team to work as they are used to without having to understand the inner workings of the Odoo back end.

Use your preferred front end javascript libraries and just let Odoo run your back end and implement your business rules effortlessly.

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Stability and Maturity

Odoo is a mature framework because it has been used by over 4 million users worldwide and has proven usage of 15 years.

Multi Currency

Odoo handles currencies seamlessly as it's designed for use in several countries and this is just part of what an ERP can do for you.

Multi Language

Used all over the globe with several localization packages for several countries, Odoo will save you a huge amount of work if you plan to have a global reach.

Web Ready and Scalable

Odoo is used for implementing websites and web is it's first language. You can count on having a scalability best practice and known methods and technologies.

Odoo GraphQL API for eCommerce

If you are looking into a way to use Odoo as a backend for your Next.js / React.js eCommerce system, the best available open source option is using the GraphQL API that we have built and we maintain for Vuestorefront.

This API is based on widely supported OCA GraphQL component and it implements all features available for Odoo eCommerce app:

  • Multi language
  • Multi currency
  • Multi website

Vuestorefront uses this API from Nuxt.js backend togeather with Redis server for improoved performance. If you still prefer to use React.js and Next.js, you can implement a similar logic and take advantage of Vuestorefront Odoo GraphQL API.

Learn more about Vuestorefront

What about Owl Framework?

Owl Framework is a great achivement and we love it! The thing about Owl is that it makes sense to use it inside Odoo for building Odoo components and features. Owl performance is really impressive! But then fact is that Owl was built to be used mainly for one purpose.

Some companies want to use Vue.js or React.js because the availability of resources and because they might have existing stacks. It makes sense for detached projects, like eCommerce.

Scalling Next.js or Nuxt.js can be more resource efficient in these scenarios just check Load Testing Odoo With Vue Storefront. This has a reason, Odoo is an ERP with an integrated eCommerce module, so it's main focus is being and ERP. Vuestorefront is a Headless eCommerce system made to be used with several backends and it's main focus is being an eCommerce system.

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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