ERPGAP Blog / Vuestorefront 2 integration with Odoo backend was released
Vuestorefront 2 integration with Odoo backend was released

Vuestorefront 2 integration with Odoo backend was released

This week we've just released and open sourced the Vuestorefront / Odoo integration

Vuestorefront 2 integration with Odoo backend was released

Last couple of year, since Odoo released the website and webshop modules, we've been involved in some very complex eCommerce systems. Though we found that Odoo shop has a great structure and includes already lot's of the expected features as a web framework like easy templating and SEO ready system, there were some missing ingredients for bigger customers that require a different pace.

What is Vue Storefront?

Vue Storefront is now Alokai - What's new?

Vue Storefront started in 2017, as the bottom-down initiative from Divante’s developers who were looking for ways to make things faster, easier, and more effective. The available solutions didn’t meet their expectations so they created their own.

Today, Vue Storefront is not only the fastest-growing open-source eCommerce project on GitHub; it is also the core product in an entire ecosystem built around it, which includes Vue Storefront Next, Shopware PWA, Storefront API, and Storefront UI.

It is developed independently from Divante's core business, mainly by stimulating the growth of the whole community of Agencies that implement Vue Storefront and maintaining the trust of the community as we have committed that Vue Storefront will be always available to everyone.

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Why a Headless Storefront Make Sense

There are some obvious reasons, like performance. Just because it's built using browser side technologies: Javascript, Vue.js and Nuxt.js as a concept we can mostly push all the system like if static content it's fast by nature.

Odoo Google Chrome Lighthouse test result on a dev server

These tests are just made on a test server, with a proper production setup they could even be faster.

Besides performance, by decoupling the frontend you can just implement changes faster and safer. Having the content syndicated by other dedicated systems like Storyblok, Amplience, Contentstack, Contentful or you can do it with Odoo if you prefer.

Another great tool provided by VSF2 is the UI component library STOREFRONT UI that ships raw source, and aims to be developer-friendly, customization-first and performance oriented.

Why would you need it

If you are doing serious eCommerce and you like to solid investment in solid open source technologies for building your eCommerce stack. Doing ecommerce is a race and you need the right tools to get a edge on the competition.

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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