ERPGAP Blog / Vuestorefront Customer Case Gevenhout
Vuestorefront Customer Case Gevenhout

Vuestorefront Customer Case Gevenhout

How Gevenhout got a cutting edge headless ecommerce tightly integrated with Odoo

On behalf of a client, GevenHout, there was a search for a suitable headless ecommerce solution. Because of the challenge to find a solution, role players even posted messages on a forum about the problem. We got lucky!

Read on to discover more about the unique VSF-Odoo connector solution.

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Odoo plus Vuestorefront the best in open source

About Gevenhout

GevenHout supplies wood for outdoor applications in the Netherlands and Belgium. The brand is the partner for the professionals. GevenHout bases the business strategy on:

  • Quality
  • Reliability
  • Service
  • Ample stock

Wood is planed on customer order. As a result, every customer gets a nice fresh piece of wood, which is generally tighter compared to wood that’s in stock for a relatively long time. In this way Gevenhout offers every customer the opportunity to purchase an excellent and unique wood product.

Odoo Gevenhout wood warehouse

The Issues

Gevenhout knew that it was time to look for a website upgrade. Firstly, the company needed faster loading speeds and improved business customer service. In addition, they required a better mobile conversion and wanted the option of personalized client portals. With their brand, one organization handled both sales and manufacturing. This required a particular solution that could handle the complex situation.

In addition, Gevenhout B2B customers expect the same digital experience and features that they encounter as consumers. They also hold the company accountable for a frictionless website experience.

For Gevenhout’s project, particular challenges included:

  • Mobile conversion was underperforming.
  • Offering a client portal to our customers where they can manage their quotes and see their orders and invoices. In the future it should also offer some personalization.
  • In the future, Gevenhout wanted the possibility to offer advanced search via a platform like Algolia or Meilisearch

The Solution

The perfect solution for Gevenhout was to combine:

  • Odoo – a robust system that handles everything from marketing to manufacturing
  • VueStoreFront – a top tier website solution With these two solutions working hand-in-hand, Gevenhout can work easily with the complex organization and provide excellent customer service on their new websites.

What is Odoo?

The Details

Vue Storefront is a digital solution for Headless eCommerce - which allows one to easily connect your website to whichever behind-the-scenes management system you’re using. For this project, it was connected to Odoo EE 14.0 with a GraphQL API.

Odoo in combination with VSF gives Gevenhout the best of both worlds. For starters, VSF is a state-of-the-art website system. Odoo complements VSF since it’s a robust and flexible system. After all, Odoo can manage various relevant processes, including but not limited to:

  • HRM
  • Manufacturing
  • Warehouse
  • Purchase
  • Sales
  • CRM
  • Social media
  • Email marketing
  • Marketing automation

Learn about Odoo Applications

The steps toward success in the Gevenhout project include the benefits of the GraphQL API interface. It makes communication flow from frontend to backend developers, offering a comprehensive documentation system and embedded caching for better performance.

The Result

With a power-house of tools working together, Gevenhout now has a website with multiple beneficial outcomes:

  • The site is lightning quick
  • It’s multilingual
  • The B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customer) sites have the same quality and professionalism
  • There are price categories and a custom check-out
  • There’s room for growth into personalized portals and advanced search

These are the two published languages under the same code with different website instances:

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Project Specifications


  • Headless eCommerce
  • Vuestorefront Odoo API connector
  • Nuxt.js Framework
  • Odoo EE 14.0
  • Storyblok CMS


Multi language

  • B2B - Business to Business
  • B2C - Business to Consumer
  • Price categories
  • Customized checkout
  • Headless CMS

Important Takeaways from the Gevenhout Project

From my background I knew about the importance of loading speed. I wasn't willing to compromise on it because I knew future marketing spendings would become less effective. Not a good start to build a website that must last for years! The underlying system needs to be lightning fast by design but an ERP system like Odoo has difficulties serving this goal. VSF instead is a website object only. Its advantages include:

  • It focuses more on serving web pages to a client
  • It's more specialized
  • VSF follows web trends quicker

Bas Koenen, Odoo ERP specialist

The Role of ERPGAP

We chose ERPGAP because they created the open source Odoo-VSF connector. They offered good conditions and we had confidence that together we could build the first production website with this new technique.

The confidence paid off. When we started the project we saw what this team is able to do. Every team member is very skilled. They have Odoo experts, Vue/Nuxt experts, caching experts and a senior project manager who knows it all.

ERPGAP specializes in building complex websites. On top of that, communication is very good and thanks to the project management system it is very effective. Although we work together remotely, it feels like having direct colleagues. The response from most team members is very quick. When there are urgent problems at the live website we can reach them day and night.

In Conclusion

It’s clear that a project like this requires many facets to result in success. From the right team members to unique technology and software, they’re all vital.

Luckily, with the many functionalities of Odoo, the ERPGAP expertise and the benefits of integrating different tools, more is possible with software these days than you think.

If you need assistance on your next project, talk to our team.

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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