ERPGAP Blog / Odoo Helpdesk for RMA in a use case
Odoo Helpdesk for RMA in a use case

Odoo Helpdesk for RMA in a use case

Learn how to use Helpdesk and RMA in a use case

Getting Started

Odoo Helpdesk module is multipurpose and we can cover several different use cases from a support management for internal or external clients to a full RMA Software solution that manages SLA's and other common scenarios.

To better show you how Helpdesk works, I will do a case test so we can go trough all steps. However if you want a detailed set-by-step process in how to set up your Helpdesk app, check out this article.

Use Case

In my company (the fictional company I'll use for this case) I've 3 different teams. 

  • Costumer Support
  • Repair Team with Warranty
  • Repair Team with no Warranty

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Let's say a costumer comes to our website and has product that is still included in the Warranty period and therefore he wants it fixed. The costumer goes to the "Repairs Team Warranty" where on the left side he will see the most Popular questions in the forum and on the right he can submit his own ticket.

Let's now create e Ticket explaining the problem with our product.

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After submitting the ticket the client will be inform of the number of his Ticket so that way he can keep track of it. In this case the ticket is the number 3.

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Now let's take a look in our Odoo and see how will our teams solve this problem. The overview of the team will look like in the image, and as we can see there's an unassigned ticket. Odoo did not automatically assigned a responsible because I previously set it up for "Manual assign" (Check configuration of the Helpdesk article ).

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When the user clicks on the tickets we will see all open ones, being able to filter by the ones that are assigned to him, or any other filter. In this pipeline we can set up as many stages as we want, I only have 3 main stages, "New" for when the ticket is sent and still in the step of being assigned, "In Progress" when the product is assigned, and "Done" for when the repair is finished.

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NOTE: I've different teams for products with or without warranty, however if you only have one team, this Pipeline is the perfect solution to differentiate the variety of tickets you might get.  As I said you can create as many stages as you want and set up rules, automated emails and other features.

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As our team goes forwards in the pipeline we can see the Odoo will automatically inform the costumer about the position of their ticket and if he goes to the website he can check all the information about the product in repair in the website page of "My Tickets".

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When my team has a view of the RMA they can start adding any information they need. From the parts that they'll need, explain all the operations, give extra information or add notes for the rest of the team to be able to be on the same page. In this RMA my team can see if there is going to be needed to send new quotations or even conclude that the product is actually irreparable.

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After editing the RMA and adding the information that is needed our team is now ready to confirm the repair and start working on it.

By the end of all these processes we're ready to ask our costumer to give some feedback and evaluate the service we intended to provide. To ask for these feedback Odoo already has a template email that is sent when you want (you can set the stage in which the email is sent, in my case I added a stage after "Done" called "Request for feedback" that when the ticket is sent there it will notice my costumer), with this, all past, current and future clients can check the Ratings of any team before proceeding with the repair request.

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Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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