ERPGAP Blog / Quality Management
Quality Management

Quality Management

Quality Management for Manufacturing Business

Quality Checks

Quality checks are triggered from each control point at a specific inventory operation or from the manufacturing operations.

With each quality check you can:

  • Store valuable information
  • Group your quality operations by Quality Team
  • Manage your quality assurance teams
  • Build KPIs for rating your team’s performance

Odoo - Quality Management

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More About Odoo and Quality Control

Quality Control Points

Define quality control plans to trigger quality checks at specific inventory operations (receiving and final inspection) or from the manufacturing operations (MRP module in-process inspection).

  • Manage and track production part approval process (PPAP) submissions
  • Configure your statistical process control (SPC)Attach process failure mode and effects analysis (PFMEA) documents to routings

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Quality Alerts

You will love organizing your quality alerts in Odoo's clean Kanban interface. Use the drag and drop alerts to report progress and the visual indicators to focus on critical alerts.

Use tags to categorize quality alerts and create rules to automate alerts or actions. Examples of what you can categorize by:

  • Addressee (design, supplier, process)
  • Requester (customer, main line, sub line)

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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