ERPGAP Blog / How to easily manage your Human Resources with Odoo 16?
How to easily manage your Human Resources with Odoo 16?

How to easily manage your Human Resources with Odoo 16?

Manage your Human Resources with Odoo

Manage your Human Resources with Odoo

Your employees are a valuable asset no matter what type of business you are in or where your company is located. However, if you do not manage them effectively, you won’t reap the full benefits of having an excellent team. In fact, you could lose the best talent through mismanagement. So, how can you manage HR successfully in today's business world?

Odoo offers a variety of tools tailored to enhance business leadership, including one of the most exceptional HR software available in the market. Using the appropriate HR software, global organizations can improve performance by:

  • Better managing teams
  • Saving time and effort
  • Limiting errors
  • Allowing all team members to focus on higher-level tasks

5 HR Tools No Company Should Be Without

This article will cover the 5 main modules that provide an easy way to manage your HR and employees effortlessly. By going through these 5 modules one by one, I want to demonstrate how easy and user-friendly it is to work with Odoo:

  1. Employees: This module enables efficient management of all information related to human resources.
  2. Recruitment: A simple way to manage and strategize recruitment activities.
  3. Time Off: Where you can manage, plan and approve your employees’ time off.
  4. Approvals: This feature allows you to review and approve all types of requests that are submitted by your team.
  5. Appraisals: Effortlessly schedule performance appraisals and evaluations for your employees.

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Odoo Employees

Main Goal: Simplifying employee related data.

An advantage of Odoo's Human Resource Management is its user-friendliness, as can be seen when setting up the Employees app.

We can begin by configuring the settings for your company's employees. Under the Settings tab you can set basics rules for your company, such as:

  • Number of hours an employee works per week.
  • How you would like to control their presence.
  • Stipulate if you want to enrich the employee profiles with skills and resumes to enable your employees to update their data.

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After this first Settings configuration, you’re now ready to implement valuable features, based on your specific needs. This can include:

  • Start creating Departments.
  • Assign each Job position to its respective Department
  • Define your work locations.
  • Set employees’ departure reasons and their skill types.
  • Create resume sections you want to see.
  • Add contract templates to automate your workflow and plan your on/offboarding activities more efficiently.

Then, by simply checking your Departments you can instantly have a detailed view of each individual. You can also view related data from other modules here.

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Let’s now take a look at one of our mock employees.

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As you can see, in each of the employees’ pages you have all the information that can be useful to manage them. In the employee view you can see or manage various details, including but not limited to:

  • Private information
  • Basic work information (Job position, Department, Manager, Work hours, Approvers...)
  • Resume of the individual’s experience, education and skills
  • Last appraisal
  • Contracts, pay slips and signed documents inside the platform
  • Time off and the hours worked last month
  • Equipment under their supervision
  • Timesheets

Apart from this information you can check all contracts that are currently active and easily manage them with Odoo’s Pipeline.

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While this information is generally useful, for quick and detailed data the dynamic reporting tool of Odoo 16 is available. This allows you to easily:
  • Verify your contract analysis.

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  • Identify who is present and who is absent.
  • Send emails and SMS messages.
  • Schedule activities.
  • Request time off in unforeseen or urgent situations.

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  • Get an in-depth understanding of your people's skills and track their progress.

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In this app, as well as in others, you can conveniently filter and group data and view it in multiple ways.

It is important to mention that the Attendances app exists, which enables you to track your employees' check-ins and check-outs. You can easily analyze this data with the reports Odoo has to offer. Among its interesting features is the ability to establish a tolerance period that benefits either the company or the employee.

Clearly, Odoo 16 is an incredibly versatile and user-friendly software.

Start Your Odoo Project Now


Oddo Recruitment

Main Goal: Easily keep track of all your open Job opportunities and manage them effortlessly.

In this module you can provide all the necessary details about the job position and efficiently manage all candidates within Odoo's platform.

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Once you have created the positions, you can share them with the world by choosing your preferred platform, including Facebook, LinkedIn, your website, and others.

This module allows you to:

  • Define the different stages of your process.
  • Specify job types, including permanent, temporary, and others.
  • Specify reasons for refusal.
  • Customize email templates for each refusal reason.

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The Recruitment module provides the ability to create interview surveys, send SMS messages to contacts, and even digitally extract names and email addresses from CVs directly to Odoo. This time-saving process is possible thanks to OCR technology.

Finally, helpful reports let you track your team's performance, monitor the time spent at each stage, identify the primary source used by your candidates, and get an overall analysis of your success.

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Besides Recruitment, you can also access the Referrals app, which enables your employees to propose candidates and share job openings.

It is a fantastic opportunity to actively engage your employees in the crucial task of selecting suitable candidates. Furthermore, it can foster a sense of belonging among your employees when they can recommend candidates who align best with your company culture.

Consider establishing a rewards program to motivate, acknowledge, and reward your employees' valuable contributions, while promoting healthy competition among them.

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The best Human Resources Management software doesn’t only focus on your team once you’ve onboarded them.

Why not start from the recruitment phase to simplify your tasks?

Start Your Odoo Project Now

Learn more about Recruitment with Odoo

Time Off

Odoo Time Off

Main Goal: Easier management of time off, for both managers and employees.

As you might have noticed with Odoo, you can easily deal with many of your Human Resources tasks on one platform. Time Off is not an exception. Here you can easily:

  • Check out all your requests and their status.
  • See the different types of time off allocated to you and the number of days.
  • Create time off for your employees.
  • Check your employees’ requests and approve or refuse them.

With Odoo’s versatile configuration you can:

  • Create multiple time off types, for example Paid Time Off, Parental Leave, Strike —anything that makes sense in your company’s setup.
  • Add all the public holidays you have in your country.
  • Schedule stress days on the calendar so nobody can schedule time-off during that time.
  • Create Accrual Plans where you can set different rules for extra days, for example a Seniority Plan.

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You can still access the dynamic reporting tool to summarize all information about time off, either by employee or by the type of time off to better manage your business. Similar to all Odoo modules, users can see the data in different views, or grouped in a way you prefer data to be organized.

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The benefits of managing human resources with a versatile platform include saving you time while making you more efficient at providing information when it is needed.

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Find out More About Odoo for Accounting and HR


Oddo Approvals

Main Goal: Manage requests and approval processes easier than before.

Do your team members need to request any of the following approvals?

  • Expenses
  • Borrowing materials
  • Business trips to visit clients
  • Any items they require for their daily work

Odoo’s Approvals module simplifies these workflows, while protecting the company’s interests.

Firstly, Odoo provides a user-friendly tool to add approval requests wherever necessary, using Studio. For example, if a bill exceeds $1000, it may require approval from a manager. When the appropriate rules are defined, this creates an activity that the responsible person must confirm.

Alternatively, you could prevent order confirmation if employees do not have the necessary access rights.

Controlling your expenses is possible by configuring approval rules and conditions without leaving the main system.

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In addition, in your Approval module you can easily configure all types of approvals that your company will inevitably require for managing employee and HR aspects. You can specify required or optional fields and select the individual who is responsible for approval.

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Any employee/user has access to that menu, and with just one click they can submit a request for what they need.

Users just need to give basic information, like the period of time, who’s going to approve it, what will be borrowed (if relevant) and the reason for the request. You can even attach documents to the request, so all information is available in one place.

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Are you interested in discovering more benefits that ERPGAP can offer to your business?


Oddo Approvals

Main Goal: Track your employees’ satisfaction.

You can easily set up an automated employee evaluation plan to gather feedback on employees' satisfaction and their treatment by the company, as well as receive input from their managers.

The image below displays the necessary settings for automating the appraisal process.

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Users can even ask feedback from other coworkers with more specific questions using a template survey.

Some valuable options you can utilize, based on your specific needs:

  • Design your own survey with a complete range of options for the type of questions you want to include.
  • Decide how you want to present it.
  • Add scoring if relevant.
  • Implement a certificate.
  • Share it with who you want or even create a live session for multiple people.

You simply need to ask all kinds of questions to obtain the most relevant information and honest opinions that can help improve your company. And Odoo makes it effortless to get it right.

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With this app you can challenge your employees to achieve certain goals and skills or they can challenge themselves. Using the reporting menu, everybody can keep track of their evolution inside Odoo.

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Odoo 16 Appraisals is the optimal tool to maintain motivation for improvement and benefit both your team and organization. We recommend trying it out to discover unexpected ways to impact your business.


To sum up, managing your workforce can now be simpler thanks to Odoo 16. You can manage everything from one platform and it's remarkable how the data is easily accessible whenever required. Furthermore, by automating numerous processes, you'll reduce errors and allow your team to focus on higher-level tasks.

This article primarily covers the fundamentals of human resources management. Remember, Odoo integrates with several applications that can streamline and optimize daily tasks, including payroll, knowledge, expenses, and fleet management.

Discover more About Odoo

If you have any questions or need further information about Odoo 16 Human Resources, please feel free to contact us.You can also share your use case and we will be happy to assist you in managing your company more efficiently.

Odoo offers several other modules that can benefit different departments in your business. What do you need help with today?

Start Your Odoo Project Now

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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