ERPGAP Blog / Top 5 things to know before starting with Odoo
Top 5 things to know before starting with Odoo

Top 5 things to know before starting with Odoo

Ready to start with Odoo? Here are the top 5 things you need to know before starting your project.

Ready, Set ... Go!

Implementing and ERP is a big step for any company. It is a big investment and it will change the way you work. It is important to be prepared for this change and to know what to expect, but don't overthink it we are here to help you. Here are the top 5 things you need to know before starting your project.

1. Time an Resource Allocation

When embarking on an Odoo implementation, it's crucial to be ready to dedicate the necessary time and resources to ensure its success. Assembling the right team and equipping them with the necessary tools and decision-making authority is fundamental for a smooth and effective implementation.

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“Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.” - Steve Jobs

Although the implementation journey can be time-consuming, it's manageable by breaking it down into phases. Start with the most critical processes to gain early benefits and build momentum. By prioritizing and methodically approaching each phase, you'll pave the way for a more efficient and rewarding implementation.

2. Budget

The cost of an ERP implementation can vary greatly depending on the size of the company, the number of users, and even the industry. It's important to understand the total cost of ownership (TCO) of an ERP system, which includes the initial implementation cost, the cost of ongoing maintenance, and the cost of upgrades.

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"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten." - Benjamin Franklin

Keep in mind that in an ever-accelerating world, businesses must evolve rapidly to keep pace. Consequently, your ERP system should be flexible enough to adapt and grow alongside your business. This perspective casts a new light on the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of an ERP system. It's not merely about the upfront costs; rather, over time, you should consider IT as an integral component of your operations and factor in the ongoing costs of this service. By doing so, you're not just accounting for expenses but investing in the continual evolution and competitiveness of your business. This takes us to the importance of the next point.

3. Implementation Partner

Odoo: Implementation Partner

Choosing the right implementation partner is one of the most important decisions you'll make. Go with your gut, but favour the trusted and proven over the unknown. Look for a partner with a solid track record of successful. The capacity of choosing the success of the project over self profit is a good indicator of a good partner. ERPGAP has always been focused on building long term relationships with our customers. We are not interested in a one time project. We want to be your partner for the long run.

Trust is something that is built over time. This is why, when possible, we always recommend starting with a small project so that you can get to know each other and build trust. This will be the foundation of a solid implementation project.

Don't hesitate to ask for references and to talk to other customers. This will give you a good idea of what to expect.

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4. Licensing and Hosting

Odoo is an open-source ERP. This means that you can use both the community edition or the enterprise edition. Choosing the Enterprise will give you access to more features and support. However, the community edition is a great option in case you want to start your own software product based on the Odoo Platform. Being open-source, you can add as many users as you need without any additional cost, but be ready to spend much more on customization and support.

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With exception of some rare cases, we always recommend using the Enterprise Edition. The cost of the license is really low when compared to the similar solutions in the market. The Enterprise Edition will give you access to:

  • Database Version Upgrades (excluding custom code upgrades)
  • Support tickets
  • Mobile Apps: Android and iOS
  • Additional modules: Accounting, Subscriptions, Marketplace Connectors, etc.

If you chose the Enterprise Edition, you will also be able to use is a cloud platform that allows you to host your Odoo instance in a secure and scalable environment. This option is not available for the Community Edition.

In both cases, you can host your own Odoo server on your own infrastructure or on a third-party hosting provider like Google Cloud, AWS, etc. We can help you properly, setting up your Odoo server on any of these platforms. We don't do hosting ourselves, but we setup, maintain and monitor Odoo servers on any of these platforms for several customers.

5. Odoo Studio

Odoo: Studio version 17.0

Odoo Studio is a powerful tool that allows you to customize your Odoo instance without the need for programming. However, it is important to understand that Odoo Studio is not a replacement for proper development. It is a tool that should be mostly used as a wire-framing tool since the code it generates is not placed on a proper version control system. This can lead to problems in the future when you need to do complex customizations. And we also have experienced stability issues when using Odoo Studio in some of our clients.

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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