ERPGAP Blog / Automate Sample Tracking with Odoo
Automate Sample Tracking with Odoo

Automate Sample Tracking with Odoo

Sample tracking applied to biotech with Odoo

As a biotech company manager you need to track your samples. Now What?

There are many challenges facing the biotech industry today. Doing biological manufacturing, automatic batch/lot tracking to ensure traceability is a MUST! With Odoo, you and your team are able to create quality checkpoints and keep track of your batch/lots automatically and out of the box! In an inventory system such as Odoo you can have everything under control, e.g.:

  • Power to maximize scalability
  • Decrease human error
  • Save time

Learn all about Odoo Manufacturing

Odoo - Traceability

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Automate tracking

When you're looking for a system that allows you to perform tracking automatically, there are some key elements:

  • Ensure quality control during the processes, able to trace the single elements by lot and batch across the full lifecycle of bioproducts.
  • Option to upload and access the documentation before, during and after the process completion.
  • Define the expiration date on all the single elements and the final product, for risk-minimization and non-compliance.

The Odoo traceability will help you to achieve all those key factors, providing information about:

  • Where it comes from.
  • 3Who I sold to.
  • How much is still in stock.
  • Where is it in the lab?

This process will guide you through, avoiding mixing components, even when they are quite similar, during the manufacturing process.

Odoo - traceability_report

With Odoo you'll be able to be on top of the situation and react as quickly as possible.

Note: Do you know that barcoding is another integrated, fully operational option in Odoo?

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Quality checks

Stay ahead of your competitors, and keep delivering high quality products. With Odoo you'll benefit from:

  • Reduction in production cost
  • Greater efficiency and less waste
  • Better and consistent control of major business processes
  • Better understanding of customer needs
  • Risk management
  • Greater consistency in the quality of products and services
  • Differentiation of your business from its competitors

Odoo - Quality checks

We can help you

With Odoo you'll get:

  • Integrated management with a suite
  • Ability do add more modules
  • Option of customization for your purposes
  • Scalability - Ability to start small
  • Solid security information

Odoo - Diagram

Since it's open source, you'll have abundant support as well as a low price!

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As soon as you unbox Odoo, you can start managing your lab right away!

Odoo is a ready to use suite that gives you the ability to begin management as soon as implemented! You'll get a complete suite of ERP/Warehouse & Inventory Management systems, allowing you to control the situation.

Choose smart. Choose Odoo.

Learn why Odoo in biotech is your best option. Examples of global health-biotech companies with successful implementations:

Odoo clients - LipoWise, Liora and Health Care Management Administrators

You Already Have the Tools - Now Use them.

“It's not just about software development, it's all about implementing the system”

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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