ERPGAP Blog / ERPGAP Proudly Achieves Odoo Silver Partner Status in the UK and US
ERPGAP Proudly Achieves Odoo Silver Partner Status in the UK and US

ERPGAP Proudly Achieves Odoo Silver Partner Status in the UK and US

Our Expert Consultants Deliver Specialized Odoo Solutions Across Various Industries

Our Expert Consultants Deliver Specialized Odoo Solutions Across Various Industries

One of the reasons to choose ERPGAP for your business solutions is that we earned our Odoo Silver Partner status in the UK and US. Learn about our expert Odoo-certified eCommerce solutions for ERP and how we integrate tailor-made elements for UK and US markets in industries like manufacturing, biotech, and others.

Adapting Business for UK and US Markets

We are thrilled to announce that ERPGAP has achieved Odoo Silver Partner status in both the UK and USA! This marks a significant milestone in our journey with you, as we strive to become a leading provider of open-source technology and ERP solutions.

Read more on how our new status relates to your business here:

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Why Choose ERPGAP as Your Odoo Partner

ERPGAP has been at the forefront of ERP and headless eCommerce solutions since 2015. Our dedication to innovation and quality is demonstrated through our successful projects and contributions to the open-source community. Focusing on headless eCommerce US, as well as for the UK market, expansion of your company can develop more rapidly.

Notably, our Odoo certified consultants developed the first HMRC-recognized Odoo connector for Making Tax Digital in the UK, setting a standard for excellence and certified quality. This recognition has boosted our visibility to new industries, and by extension boosted our customers’ brands significantly.

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Our Odoo Services and Solutions

With ERPGAP, you receive integrated applications designed to streamline your business operations, enhancing both efficiency and productivity, including:

  • Integrated applications to streamline your business operations, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
  • Tailored solutions to industries like manufacturing, logistics, accounting, e-commerce and biotech, fostering growth and success.

What are ERP Solutions UK and US?

Odoo implementation for the UK and US markets means your business not only meets but exceeds its specific domain requirements.

  • Expert team: Odoo certified consultants specialize in Odoo implementation, ensuring your business thrives in its respective domain.
  • Certified quality: Partnering with ERPGAP means working with professionals who are knowledgeable in Odoo and market dynamics.
  • Commitment to innovation: Just like you, we're committed to implementing solutions that support your growth with a focus on innovation, efficiency, and international customer satisfaction.

Commitment to Innovation

How do we take steps to initiate innovation within your business? As an Odoo Silver Partner, we begin by:

  • Understanding Your Business: Taking the time to understand your needs, enables us to minimize risks and avoid unnecessary customization.
  • Ensuring Individual Project Success: Your aim is each of your projects’ success. We help you to achieve this through cost-effective services and by maintaining high coding standards and best practices that are on par with UK and US markets.
  • Creating Multiple Customer Touch-Points: Expansion is the name of the game, which is why your business will receive innovation that aims to reach more customers, in more areas, and services them in more ways.
  • One Central System for POS: All these touch points are connected to one central database, creating a consistent experience for your customers all over the globe.

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About us

Odoo is a management software that fits all sizes. This software is for small, medium and large companies. Your company's information is all in one place. You don't have to go back and forth to check something. All apps have real-time access to your database.

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